In the realm of childhood development, the Montessori method has captured the hearts and minds of parents and educators worldwide. At the forefront of this educational approach are Montessori toys, meticulously designed to foster independence, creativity, and cognitive growth in children.

The Essence of Montessori Toys:

Montessori toys are more than just playthings; they are thoughtfully crafted tools that support children's natural development. Rooted in the philosophy of Maria Montessori, these toys promote hands-on learning, sensory exploration, and the development of essential life skills. From puzzles and building blocks to practical life activities, each Montessori toy serves a purpose in nurturing a child's intellectual, physical, and emotional growth.


Common Types of Montessori toys

Sensorial Toys: These toys focus on stimulating the senses and refining sensory perception. Examples include textured balls, sensory boards, knobbed puzzles, and puzzles with varying textures, shapes, and sizes.


Montessori Toys available at little whimsy NZ


Practical Life Toys: Practical life toys enable children to engage in activities that mimic real-life tasks, fostering independence, fine motor skills, and concentration. These may include child-sized brooms, mops, kitchen sets, pouring activities, watering cans, and tools for gardening.


Montessori Toys available at little whimsy NZ


Fine Motor Skills Toys: These toys help children develop their hand-eye coordination, finger dexterity, and grip strength. Threading sets, stacking toys, puzzles with knobs or pegs, lacing cards, and building blocks are all excellent examples of toys that support fine motor skills.


Montessori Toys available at little whimsy NZ



Open-Ended Toys: Open-ended toys encourage imagination, creativity, and problem-solving skills. They have no predefined outcomes, allowing children to explore and invent their own play scenarios. Wooden blocks, building sets, loose parts, art supplies, and natural materials like shells or stones are popular open-ended toys.


Montessori Toys available at little whimsy NZ


Language and Literacy Toys: Montessori toys designed to enhance language and literacy skills often include phonetic alphabet puzzles, sandpaper letters, moveable alphabets, storytelling props, and books with realistic illustrations and age-appropriate content.


Montessori Toys available at little whimsy NZ


Math and Numeracy Toys: These toys introduce mathematical concepts and help children develop a concrete understanding of numbers, quantities, and basic mathematical operations. Examples include number puzzles, counting rods, shape sorters, and bead materials.


Montessori Toys available at little whimsy NZ


Nature and Science Toys: Montessori toys that connect children with the natural world and foster an appreciation for science and nature include insect observation kits, magnifying glasses, gardening tools, and animal figurines.


Montessori Toys available at little whimsy NZ



It's important to note that the emphasis in Montessori education is on the quality and purposefulness of toys rather than the quantity. Montessori toys are typically made from natural materials like wood, metal, or fabric, and they prioritise simplicity, beauty, and durability.


little whimsy is a haven for parents and caregivers seeking authentic Montessori toys that inspire children to learn, grow, and explore.  So, step into this enchanting world of Montessori toys at little whimsy and witness the transformative power of play.


July 19, 2023

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